Sunday, August 1, 2010

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

July 8, 2000

I was 13 years old that day. The day I made a new friend.

His name, was Harry Potter.

It's funny how quickly I fell in love. It was on a whim that my mother purchased this book. Wanting to know what all the fuss was about, she bought the first one on the day the fourth one released.

When asked prior to this day whether or not I wanted to read them, I sniffed rather disdainfully at my father saying they "looked stupid". Oh silly me.. If I had only known then.

This was also the week that my older sister started her first job at a Domino's in town. She had started Sorcerer's Stone before her shift, I of course, picked it up while she was working. My little head exploded. I was just starting chapter 10 when she came home. She'd had a rough day, answering phones, getting orders wrong, being called stupid by rude hungry people.. My mother made me give it back. After all she started it first. And had a bad day!

I was frustrated certainly.

I needed to know. What was going to happen next? Was it really Snape? Will Ron and Harry ever be friends with Hermione? These were all pressing issues people! Already I was hooked. From the very first chapter.

"The Boy Who Lived."

I knew there had to be a reason I needed to read them again. Knew it. See? One month shy of ten years Harry and I. One of my oldest and dearest friends. For books rarely ever let you down. Harry hasn't.

It's why I keep him around.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Penguin...

Has a mustache!

Mwahaha! I love it!

This post is a long time coming.. After all I've had this sucker for about three weeks now. But as I am a procrastinator, you just have to suffer!


The very first time I met the lovely Ari we bonded over many a thing, not the least of which was a love of all things mustache. Twas upon this night the we discovered that in addition to this particular love, we each also lusted after a particular tattoo. Of a mustache. Upon our fingers.


So it was decided one dreary Monday evening over dinner and talking that it should done! Now! And by now, that meant the weekend! Woo!

Fast forward to the weekend. A lovely one it was.. I recall it fondly.. Nice and warm out..

Carrying on!

I took my cute behind over to Le House of Ari, nerves settling in my stomach. I was seriously about to go get my first tattoo.. Still had time to back out! But I did not! Ari's darling P joined us in our venture and we all headed out.

After getting to the tattoo parlor and talking to the man in charge, we waited. And waited. Ari's brother joined us. We kept waiting. Amusing ourselves by looking at the books placed upon the table for our perusal.

After what seemed like years, probably because I grew more nervous as the minutes ticked by, our artist came over and told us it was time. Ari decided to go first. At the time, I was fine with that. But then... He started. Her face of pain nearly broke me. Ohmahgah.. Pain was all I could see! I demanded to be hugged right then! (Oy, I can still see it!)

Then.. Twas my time.. Now, for whatever reason, we ended up getting our mustaches on opposite fingers, thus making it easy for me to hold her hand during the whole thing! I am not ashamed to admit that. Anyway, I sat, demanded (For apparently am demanding when nervous..) for Ari's hand to hold. Then came, the pain. Oh holy buttons it hurt. It was pretty amusing to witness I imagine. I kept trying to distract myself by talking, so it was all nonsense. However there was much art and stuff upon the walls for me to point out whilst wincing. Seriously, "Ow ow.. Oooo! The White Stripes! Love them.. Ow!" That's how I was.

But it was totally worth the pain yo. All three and a half minutes of it. :) Because I now have a sweet 'stache that I can whip out whenever I need to be taken seriously. No one disputes me when I bust it out.

We are amazing.

Photo shamelessly stolen Ariana herself. :)

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Am happy.

Delirious even.

And I don't even know how to describe it. Just to say that I am.
I have The Bun. Family. Great friends. A job that I may even love. A wicked storm raging..

What more could a girl ask for?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I made cookies!

For Valentine's Day!

Because I wanted to.

I generally don't do too much for this particular holiday, but I was in the mood to bake this year. What else to do than bake? My friends seemed to enjoy them. Which is all that counts.

I made my absolute favorite cookie of all time, "Sunny Cocoa Drop Cookies". They are the stuff. I'm not even kidding, these suckers rock. My younger brother came downstairs while I was baking and says, "I smell sunny cocoa drop cookies."


So I gave them to my friends and family. They all agreed that they are awesome and The Stuff.

What's your favorite cookie?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Of all the random..

I got bitten..

By a ladybug.


See, I live at my parent's house right now while I'm apartment hunting and furniture buying. And there are ladybugs here. A lot of them. They like my room.. They like the upstairs really. Anyway, yesterday, I was ignoring my alarm clock (Three snoozes, minimum.) when I felt a stinging on my hand! Startled upright was I! Found the bugger, and yes! A ladybug! I didn't even know they bit! Wtf I ask!

The Bun (code name for my daughter), has had issues with them as well. It was two weeks ago maybe, she'd been awake for about twenty minutes and was playing with her toys, when she ran to my side and says, "Mommy! I just ate a ladybug!" with a sick slash worried look on her face. "Well what did you do that for?" I say back to her. "It flew in my mouth.."


She's three. And one half. So I suppose it's understandable that she wouldn't think to just spit the sucker out!

Though I didn't think that ladybugs would be so prolific during the winter months.. Do they not hide away like other bugs? I always assumed that they did. Oh well.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Well the very sweet Ari over at The Happy Cactus nominated me for the beautiful blogger award!

Which I have to say is pretty awesome. Being back into the blogging world for such a short time as I have been.

It's super sweet of you Ari! Thanks a bunch! And a ton! Also a carton of strawberries!

The rules for the above badge-y award are as such! (For there are always rules.)

1. Thank the person that nominated you for this award.
2. Copy the award and place it in your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
4. Tell us 7 interesting things about yourself.
5. Nominate 7 bloggers.
6. Post links to the 7 blogs that are nominated.

1-3 done! Wahoo! 5 and 6.. Hmm. I know not many bloggers to nominate.. I shall have to dig around.

My interesting facts! Ish.

1. I drink coffee. As in.. Massive amounts. As a matter of fact when I finish typing this sentence, I'm going to get up and get another cup. And apparently set up the pot for the morning.. :) I can't help it, I drink to wake up and to go to sleep. Call me weird. I love it.

2. I sleep with my teddy bear from when I was little when I'm alone. Don't judge me. - Ari Yeah, keeping that one.. Why? Because I do that. His name is Curly. Got him when I was 10. Before that I had a glow in the dark stuffie named Fluffy. She's purple and the stars covering her body glow. I got her when I was two. Still have her too.

3. I own over 250 books.

4. My daughter and I dressed up as Coraline and the Other Mother for Halloween '09. I dyed her hair blue and everything.

5. At my current age of 22, I just now have a full time job. First ever.

6. At a daycare. Which is an odd choice for me, as I've always said I hated kids. That fact was pointed out to me today, and followed with "I don't believe it. At all.". So, I thought about it, and I do like kids. Love kids. I just don't like them when they get in large groups and start going crazy. I never acted the way kids do today.. Oy. That makes me sound old.. Moving on.

7. I find Spongebob amusing. Really, I do. My younger brother and I will walk past the t.v. with it on and quote it. Or point out favorite episodes. The bubble lesson one. ;)

Now for my nominations. I don't actually follow many. So I'm just going to do two. Cause I'm a rebel.

1. A Simple Mind, Complex Thoughts , My friend Kevin, who is in Iraq.
2. The Anvil Tree, I've read her blog for years. Amazing woman.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Aaaand she's good..

See, I was in a bad mood. Horrible really..

Nothing has changed. Everything is still poo. But my pity party is over. Why? I went on a mission. For pretty. To make me happy. At least for a moment.

And this is what I found.

Please to enjoy.. ;)
I.. Would have his babies. Like, now.

Oh Clive.. You make everything better..

Now, I'm not an RPatz fangirl.. But this? Is my favorite picture of him. Ever.

Nice, huh?

Saturday, January 9, 2010


I love seeing friends.

My friend Emily is in town for a few days. Down from NYC. She is pretty awesome. I have no doubt in her ability to be successful in her chosen field. Acting!

We got coffee at Barnes and Noble. Just sat and talked for a few hours. So nice. Planned a trip to go visit her in the summer! She lives in a community house in Brooklyn, and they have a "hospitality room" for people to come and go. Soo... Yeah, I jumped all over that.

It's cool being able to do that. Just deciding, "Hey, I think I'll come up and see you in June." and being able to do it. I don't have to ask anyone. I don't have to check with anyone. All I have to do, is set aside the money. That's it. Travel is important to me. So I make it a priority. And I get to.

I love it.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Sticking to the resolutions!

Not the man.

For my resolutions are not the man.

But I'm trying to stick to them...


Anyway! I walked downstairs all prepared to post and.. BAM! I completely forgot what I was intending to say. Nice. Not even 5 posts in and I have bloggers block.. Eh. Oh well!

The thing is, I love to write. Adore it. One of my dear friends moved recently, and in preparation of that I bought a ton of stationary. Lots. I have other friends that I intend to write to.. I just wanted an excuse to buy it! So if I love to write, it shouldn't be a problem right?

Wrong. I get stuck. Or I think of something that I probably shouldn't post about yet. (Getting divorced.) Or things that I just plain don't want to write about. Why can I never remember the topics that are safe? Arg.

On that note. I lost the game. Oh? You don't know about the game? Here, let me (and wikipedia) help you!

   There are three rules to The Game:

  1. Everyone in the world is playing The Game. (Sometimes narrowed to: "Everybody in the world who knows about The Game is playing The Game", or alternatively, "You are always playing The Game.")
  2. Whenever one thinks about The Game, one loses.
  3. Losses must be announced to at least one person (either by using a statement such as "I lost The Game" or by alternative means).
Some players allow a grace period of 30 seconds to half an hour after someone has lost, during which a player cannot lose The Game again, or is not obliged to announce a loss This is done in order to prevent a perpetual loss of the game. Under a literal interpretation, one has to announce every loss of the game. However, announcing the game amounts to thinking about it, which constitutes a loss and another announcement. Such a chain continues indefinitely. The common rules do not contain a win condition, nor do they define a point at which The Game ends. However, one reported variation states that The Game ends when the British Prime Minister announces "The Game is up" on television.

There. Now you are playing the game. And you have just lost it. :) The way I play, is with a 30 minute grace period. That is sufficient time to forget the game. The thing about the Prime Minister though? Didn't know that. It would be so awesome if that happened.

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Beginnings

May it be a new beginning for both of us.

That's what he said to me, at 11:58 last night.

Thus far into the day. This new year of 2010. It appears to be holding true. A new beginning. In ways I hadn't even considered. That I also don't feel like elaborating on right now. Suffice to say, I'm in for a doozy.

And I love it.

Onto the resolutions! I've been thinking about this for weeks now. Actually writing down some resolutions for the new year. I generally never do it. Ever. Once or twice, my mom would sit us down on New Year's Eve, give us a questionnaire about the year. What was our favorite day? What song best described the year for us? What was the worst thing we did?

But never resolutions. I never questioned it. Not even now. Maybe she thought we were to young to care or even to try to stick with something. Maybe it was nothing like that. Maybe it was just the she wanted to do something different. Either way. I'm doing it now!

So.. My list!

  • Write in this here blog. At least twice a week. Minimum. (MINIMUM!) I want to get better at writing and gathering my thoughts. I'm a bit scatterbrained.. :)
  • Write in my journal proper, at the three times a week. You know, for those secrets to dirty to tell. ;)
  • Learn to knit. Because there is to much that I want to make not to! Also, I've been saying this one for years now..
  • Learn about myself. More on this to come. It's quite a long(ish) tale.
  • Be self sufficient. I've never been. In my life. I think it's time to put on my big girl panties.

There it is. I think I can handle that.