Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Of all the random..

I got bitten..

By a ladybug.


See, I live at my parent's house right now while I'm apartment hunting and furniture buying. And there are ladybugs here. A lot of them. They like my room.. They like the upstairs really. Anyway, yesterday, I was ignoring my alarm clock (Three snoozes, minimum.) when I felt a stinging on my hand! Startled upright was I! Found the bugger, and yes! A ladybug! I didn't even know they bit! Wtf I ask!

The Bun (code name for my daughter), has had issues with them as well. It was two weeks ago maybe, she'd been awake for about twenty minutes and was playing with her toys, when she ran to my side and says, "Mommy! I just ate a ladybug!" with a sick slash worried look on her face. "Well what did you do that for?" I say back to her. "It flew in my mouth.."


She's three. And one half. So I suppose it's understandable that she wouldn't think to just spit the sucker out!

Though I didn't think that ladybugs would be so prolific during the winter months.. Do they not hide away like other bugs? I always assumed that they did. Oh well.


  1. Oh no!! That's upsetting!!

    When I lived with my parents, I would get swarms of them in my room during the winter. They like to build nests in attics during the winter to stay warm.

    Just tell Bun that ladybugs are good luck and she's extra lucky now!!

  2. I've always heard they bit, but refused to believe it. Now I have no choice. I'm sorry you were bitten by a cute bug.

    Bun is adorable! It flew in her mouth. What's a girl to do? ^_^

  3. No really.. They do bite. I had no idea myself!

    Gah! That is frustrating Ari, cause my room? Upstairs. Warm. Crap..

  4. Pretty badass mofo ladybugs you have in Alabama.

    Just read your latest comment to Ari, made me laugh. So I'm dropping by to say "Hey". Or "Yo".

    Whichever works for you. :)
