Saturday, January 16, 2010

Aaaand she's good..

See, I was in a bad mood. Horrible really..

Nothing has changed. Everything is still poo. But my pity party is over. Why? I went on a mission. For pretty. To make me happy. At least for a moment.

And this is what I found.

Please to enjoy.. ;)
I.. Would have his babies. Like, now.

Oh Clive.. You make everything better..

Now, I'm not an RPatz fangirl.. But this? Is my favorite picture of him. Ever.

Nice, huh?


  1. Love the last pic, that man is gorgeous!

  2. Yeah...I wasn't really having a bad day, but it just got a whole lot better. ^_^

    Clive Owen is a gorgeous, gorgeous example of manliness. Sigh.

    I've read Twilight, and the Edward in my head looks NOTHING like Robert P. He's not painful to look at, but eh. I'm just happier with the fella I came up with.

    When I found out Robert P. sings all sexy-like, I stopped minding him so much. Very bluesy/Van Morrisony. Very nice.

  3. You're missing one!! Mr. Depp!! I would do horrible, horrible, good things to that man!
