Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Penguin...

Has a mustache!

Mwahaha! I love it!

This post is a long time coming.. After all I've had this sucker for about three weeks now. But as I am a procrastinator, you just have to suffer!


The very first time I met the lovely Ari we bonded over many a thing, not the least of which was a love of all things mustache. Twas upon this night the we discovered that in addition to this particular love, we each also lusted after a particular tattoo. Of a mustache. Upon our fingers.


So it was decided one dreary Monday evening over dinner and talking that it should done! Now! And by now, that meant the weekend! Woo!

Fast forward to the weekend. A lovely one it was.. I recall it fondly.. Nice and warm out..

Carrying on!

I took my cute behind over to Le House of Ari, nerves settling in my stomach. I was seriously about to go get my first tattoo.. Still had time to back out! But I did not! Ari's darling P joined us in our venture and we all headed out.

After getting to the tattoo parlor and talking to the man in charge, we waited. And waited. Ari's brother joined us. We kept waiting. Amusing ourselves by looking at the books placed upon the table for our perusal.

After what seemed like years, probably because I grew more nervous as the minutes ticked by, our artist came over and told us it was time. Ari decided to go first. At the time, I was fine with that. But then... He started. Her face of pain nearly broke me. Ohmahgah.. Pain was all I could see! I demanded to be hugged right then! (Oy, I can still see it!)

Then.. Twas my time.. Now, for whatever reason, we ended up getting our mustaches on opposite fingers, thus making it easy for me to hold her hand during the whole thing! I am not ashamed to admit that. Anyway, I sat, demanded (For apparently am demanding when nervous..) for Ari's hand to hold. Then came, the pain. Oh holy buttons it hurt. It was pretty amusing to witness I imagine. I kept trying to distract myself by talking, so it was all nonsense. However there was much art and stuff upon the walls for me to point out whilst wincing. Seriously, "Ow ow.. Oooo! The White Stripes! Love them.. Ow!" That's how I was.

But it was totally worth the pain yo. All three and a half minutes of it. :) Because I now have a sweet 'stache that I can whip out whenever I need to be taken seriously. No one disputes me when I bust it out.

We are amazing.

Photo shamelessly stolen Ariana herself. :)