Saturday, January 9, 2010


I love seeing friends.

My friend Emily is in town for a few days. Down from NYC. She is pretty awesome. I have no doubt in her ability to be successful in her chosen field. Acting!

We got coffee at Barnes and Noble. Just sat and talked for a few hours. So nice. Planned a trip to go visit her in the summer! She lives in a community house in Brooklyn, and they have a "hospitality room" for people to come and go. Soo... Yeah, I jumped all over that.

It's cool being able to do that. Just deciding, "Hey, I think I'll come up and see you in June." and being able to do it. I don't have to ask anyone. I don't have to check with anyone. All I have to do, is set aside the money. That's it. Travel is important to me. So I make it a priority. And I get to.

I love it.

1 comment:

  1. Freedom is such a wonderful thing, isn't it?!

    BTW - I nominated you for a blog award . . .
