Friday, January 1, 2010

New Beginnings

May it be a new beginning for both of us.

That's what he said to me, at 11:58 last night.

Thus far into the day. This new year of 2010. It appears to be holding true. A new beginning. In ways I hadn't even considered. That I also don't feel like elaborating on right now. Suffice to say, I'm in for a doozy.

And I love it.

Onto the resolutions! I've been thinking about this for weeks now. Actually writing down some resolutions for the new year. I generally never do it. Ever. Once or twice, my mom would sit us down on New Year's Eve, give us a questionnaire about the year. What was our favorite day? What song best described the year for us? What was the worst thing we did?

But never resolutions. I never questioned it. Not even now. Maybe she thought we were to young to care or even to try to stick with something. Maybe it was nothing like that. Maybe it was just the she wanted to do something different. Either way. I'm doing it now!

So.. My list!

  • Write in this here blog. At least twice a week. Minimum. (MINIMUM!) I want to get better at writing and gathering my thoughts. I'm a bit scatterbrained.. :)
  • Write in my journal proper, at the three times a week. You know, for those secrets to dirty to tell. ;)
  • Learn to knit. Because there is to much that I want to make not to! Also, I've been saying this one for years now..
  • Learn about myself. More on this to come. It's quite a long(ish) tale.
  • Be self sufficient. I've never been. In my life. I think it's time to put on my big girl panties.

There it is. I think I can handle that.


  1. Ah love!! I know you can accomplish everything on your list - just have faith and keep your chin up! And I'll so teach you how to knit - just let me know when!!

  2. Blogging regularly. What a concept. I did NaBloPoMo once, and I almost died. I started posting things like, "I like blogging. It's pretty." No joke.

    You'll find what works for you. It's your blog, and it'll be here waiting on you whenever the need to blather strikes.

    I feel a knitting party coming on! I hear you have one adorable little munchkin. ^_^

  3. Knitting party? That would only be the awesome!

    Thanks for the encouragement!
