Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I made cookies!

For Valentine's Day!

Because I wanted to.

I generally don't do too much for this particular holiday, but I was in the mood to bake this year. What else to do than bake? My friends seemed to enjoy them. Which is all that counts.

I made my absolute favorite cookie of all time, "Sunny Cocoa Drop Cookies". They are the stuff. I'm not even kidding, these suckers rock. My younger brother came downstairs while I was baking and says, "I smell sunny cocoa drop cookies."


So I gave them to my friends and family. They all agreed that they are awesome and The Stuff.

What's your favorite cookie?


  1. I love most cookies.

    However, I did notice that you gave my brother some and not me . . . what's up with that?!

  2. Chocolate chip cookies. Hands down. Thin mints aren't too bad either. These sunny cocoa drop cookies *do* sound like The Stuff, though. Might have to try them. Make Ari some, and I'll steal one. :P

  3. Ari- Oh my! Such a lapse in my thinking process huh? I shall most definitely make a new batch to share with you! They're super easy and entirely awesome. :)

    Heather- See, I'll make enough so that you don't have to share. :) Out of all Girl Scout cookies, Thin Mints are the best.. Good call. Did you ever have those Double Chocolate Chip ones? They only had them for awhile.. Soo good. Especially if you like Chocolate chip anyway!
